Personal Portfolio Website

Date: September-December 2022 *

Tags: [ HTML ] [ CSS ] [ JavaScript ] [ Bootstrap ] [ jQuery ]

Collaborators: solo project

Github link:

Purpose: I've always seen personal websites as a fun way to express oneself, so this project acts as a way for me to practice my web development skills which involves building upon the current languages and frameworks that I know how to use. Additionally, I thought that a personal site would offer a unique approach for insights into my personal life and what I'm up to! :')

Plans for the future: If I were to revisit this project, some features that I would touch upon would include:

  • updating the design of my website to look more modern, which would include learning more about CSS animations
  • editing the dark mode/light mode to retain its settings when reloading the page and/or moving to a new page
  • experimenting with different button effects throughout the page