Workout Generator

Date: July-August 2021

Tags: [ Java ] [ JSON ]

Collaborators: solo project

Github link:

Purpose: Part of my daily routine is doing a home workout every night with my dad and my twin brother. However, I noticed that something we sometimes struggle with is deciding what workout we want to do for the night. This is where the workout generator comes into play!

Orginally designed and created within my software construction course (CPSC 210), the workout generator is the perfect tool for conveniently creating workout schedules, and is intended for anyone who is currently or wanting to get into working out. How it works is it requires the user to first input a list of workout options into the system in addition to some features regarding that workout, including what muscle group it works out, the intensity of the workout, and whether it requires equipment.

From there, when the user wants to do a workout, all that has to be done is to answer the questions about what kind of workout is desired through a series of questions (these fields were provided when the workouts were inputted), and the program will generate for you a list of the potential workouts you can do, narrowing down your options.

Plans for the future: If I were to revisit this project, some features that I would touch upon would include:

  • updating the UI to look more modern which would include repositioning where each button would be placed
  • making my entire project more robust so that it handles exceptions
  • putting enums into the project because when users add a new activity, the intensity and muscle group only have 3 options each, so we already know the possible values beforehand, which would help improve the readability of the code

  • missing
    A reminder that maintaining a healthy lifestyle is important! :)