Calculator With A Twist!

Date: November 14 2021 (nwHacks 2021)

Tags: [ HTML ] [ CSS ] [ JavaScript ] [ jQuery ] [ Bootstrap ]

Collaborators: Aaron Fos-oy

Github link:

Purpose: Serving as a first project which utilized my front-end skills, this calculator served as a way of applying my skills to a unique project, with the intent to add in some aspects of the life science part of my degree. We intended to do this by adding extra buttons such as a unique button for avogadro's number (6.022x10^23), the basis for the mole unit of measurement in chemistry.

If you've read my blog post on how my first hackathon went, then you would know that my partner and I didn't get a chance to implement everything that we wanted to, and we ended up finishing the code for a functioning calculator without the additional features.

Plans for the future: If I were to revisit this project, some features that I would touch upon would include:

  • implementing the additional features that we set out to do (the "twist" aspect of the calculator)
  • improving the UI to look more modern in addition to possibly adding button sounds when clicked
  • implementing keyboard events where the user can type inputs instead of clicking the buttons with their cursor